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Learn how to create a simple Telegram bot to monetize your Telegram channel or group through paid subscriptions. 

Follow this step-by-step guide to set up a Telegram bot that accepts payments for exclusive content, and start earning money while expanding your online presence.

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Create Profitable Telegram Bot for Paid Subscriptions Step by Step Guide

Are you interested in creating simple Telegram bot to monetize your Telegram channel or your group through paid subscriptions? 

If so you are in the right place in this step-by-step guide I will show you how to set up Telegram bot that accepts payments for access to your exclusive content.

 It is an excellent way to earn money and expand your online presence let is get started.

Step 1: Create Your Telegram Bot

  1. Open Telegram and search for "BotFather" in the search bar.
  2. Select "BotFather" from the search results and start a chat with it
  3. Use the command (/newbot)to create a new bot.
  4. Provide a name for your bot (e.g.PennySchoolBot).
  5. Choose a unique username for your bot (remember it should end with (bot e.g. "PennySchoolBot).
  6. Congratulations Your bot has been created, and you now have a token that will be used to manage the bot.

Step 2: Set a Description for Your Bot

  1. Access the menu on BotFather by typing "/mybots" in the chat.
  2. Select your newly created bot ("PennySchoolBot").
  3. Click on "Set Description" from the menu options.
  4. Add a description for your bot, specifying that it is a paid subscription bot.
  5. Confirm the changes.

Step 3: Create Activities with

  1. In Telegram, search for "" in the search bar.
  2. Start a chat with "" and use the command "/newbot" to create a new bot with them.
  3. Enter your bot token (received from BotFather).
  4. Provide your first name last name email and a password (6-12 characters) when prompted.
  5. Enter your country (e.g.Ghana) and select (Subscription Bot)as the type of bot you want to create.

Step 4: Add Your Bot to Your Telegram Channel or Group:

  1. Add your newly created bot ("PennySchoolBot") to your Telegram group or channel.
  2. Promote the bot to admin status in the group or channel settings.
  3. Go back to the page and click on "Check this out" to confirm that your bot has been added as an admin.

Step 5: Set Up Payment Options:

  1. Visit the payment gateway website provided by
  2. Set up your payment options by choosing either "I will add later" or "CoinPayment gateway" (if you want to accept cryptocurrency).
  3. If using CoinPayment gateway, create an account and get your merchant ID from
  4. Enter your merchant ID into the payment gateway section on

Step 6: Set Subscription Plans:

  1. On, click on "View Subscription Plans."
  2. Create new plans for your bot by setting the amount (e.g., $2) and the duration (e.g., per week, per month).
  3. Save the subscription plans.

Step 7: Start Accepting Payments :

  1. On your Telegram group or channel use the command (new member) to invite new members to subscribe.

  2. Members will be asked to pay the subscription amount (e.g. $2) through the (Pay Now) button.

  3. Members can choose the subscription plan that suit  them best and complete payment process.

With this simple and effective strategy you can now monetize your content and start earning money from your Telegram community.

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