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Discover how to effectively advertise on Twitter with our comprehensive step-by-step guide. 

Learn about Quick Promote, advanced ad tools, targeting options, and more. Increase your followers and unlock sales with Twitter advertising. Read now!

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Mastering Twitter Advertising: A Step-by-Step Guide

What's up, it's Jamal, and welcome to the top and best information website. In this post, I'm gonna show you how Twitter has simplified the overwhelming options that face online advertisers to offer streamlined processes so you can increase your followers and unlock sales right away.

Before we begin go down to the description and download HubSpot is free how to use Twitter for Business Guide that will give you the industry tips you need to optimize your entire Twitter account to make the most out of your marketing budget. 

And while you are down there click the subscribe button and select the notification bell so that you never miss a chance to learn more about digital marketing.

So let is get it.

Step 1: Understanding Twitter's Simple Ad Tools

Advertising only works if potential customers see it. So, if your audience is on Twitter, you better be ready to effectively use the platform. The good news is that compared to competitors like Facebook, Instagram, and TikTok, Twitter offers some simple ad tools that anyone can start using right away.

Step 2: Quick Promote - The Simplest Ad Method

Twitter calls this Quick Promote. Promoted tweets appear in the user's timeline, just like a regular tweet. And they look the same except for a small promoted tag on the bottom. Promoted tweets can use texts, links, images, gifs, and video, just like any other tweet.

To promote a tweet, you have to log into Twitter using the browser on your desktop or smartphone. 

You can not promote a tweet using the Twitter app which is a little odd.

 I don not know why they did that but I digress.

First post the tweet you want to promote then tap the tweet activity icon. 

Click the option to promote your tweet, choose location, age, and gender of your target audience. Twitter doesn't allow you to target promoted tweets by topics but lets the algorithm do the work of matching the tweet with the users who want to see it.

If you wanna do your own targeting by interest, you'll have to use the more advanced Twitter ads, which we'll talk about in a few minutes. Finally, select how much money you wanna spend for however many days.

Your tweet will now be seen by more interested users than would have likely seen it without the promotion. I say likely because it's always possible that an unpromoted tweet could go viral and get hundreds of thousands of organic views. 

Then again, it is very rare for a tweet to go viral especially one that is branded.

 I am sure you are wondering Ah Jamal how do you know that? 

Just check out all of the garbage that I've been tweeting for the past two years. No likes.

 (Jamal sobbing)

That is s why a lot of advertisers on Twitter have developed unauthorized ways to promote their product in a viral tweet. We'll discuss those questionable methods and what Twitter is doing about them later as well.

Viral or not, the overall performance of a promoted tweet depends on how much users engage with it. Paying to promote the tweet guarantees a higher baseline of impressions, but the rest is still up to your content.

Step 3: Choosing the Right Tweets to Promote

Now, let's talk about the sort of tweet you should be promoting. Media brands love promoted tweets to increase clicks to a piece of content. If your brand spends money on content marketing, it only makes sense to spend a bit more attracting eyeballs to that content using promoted tweets.

Discounts and giveaways can also be worth promoting.

 You can not expect much organic engagement with these posts so paying is the only way to put the messaging in front of a large audience quickly.

No matter what type of tweet you are trying to promote always include a link in the tweet. 

A study by Hootsuite showed that tweets with link previews get more clicks than tweets with a separate graphic and a text link. Think about it, which tweet would you click on?

Lastly, if your goal is to increase engagement and brand sentiment, use polls in your tweets. They work.

Step 4: Advanced Twitter Ad Tools

Quick Promote is good for beginners, but what if you wanna take your advertising to the next level? That's where Twitter Ad Manager comes in. You can access it at

Twitter Ad Manager offers you a whole suite of advanced tools. The first is audience targeting. In addition to choosing specific conversations or keywords to target, you can upload a list of Twitter handles or email addresses to create a custom audience. This could be a list of your own followers or a custom audience you create from a CRM or some other source. Twitter will then match that audience to the users on their platform for you to target.

Step 5: Taking Advertising to the Next Level

Now, if you're a big brand and you're looking to dominate conversations and timelines, you can buy timeline takeover ads or trend takeover ads. For timeline takeover ads, the Twitter sales team will help you take over everyone's timelines with a promoted tweet for a period of time. 

This's for the big boys and the big girls only. 

You can nott just go in and buy it yourself.

You can pay an influencer to tweet about your product. Make sure the influencer includes a link in the tweet and discloses that it is a paid promotion of course.

Lastly there is this thing on Twitter where users with viral tweets can use those tweets as leverage to ask companies to pay them to promote their product.

 It is an interesting strategy but it also raises some ethical questions.

 In fact it is actually against Twitter's rules to offer payment for engagement.

 But it still happens. 

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